Prayer is an intimate communion with the Spirit in the language of one’s own heart.

Affirmative Prayer.
Affirmative prayer grounds the practitioner in a solid awareness of oneness with Spirit.
The power of affirmative prayer sets in motion a process of healing false beliefs that prevent an individual from fully realizing their spiritual inheritance.
Prayer is an intimate communion with the Spirit in the language of one’s own heart. It facilitates a realization of your oneness with God.
Affirmative Prayer
- grounds you in a solid awareness of oneness with Spirit.
- The power of affirmative prayer sets in motion a process of healing false beliefs that prevents an individual from fully realizing their spiritual inheritance.
- Through daily practice, you direct your conscious mind to impress your subjective mind with thoughts of positivity, with words of truth of who and what you already are: a spiritual being completely free from undesirable habits.
- A new order of mental and emotional response is set into motion.
- The more completely the practitioner is convinced of the power of his own word, the more power his word will have.
- Prayer is an intimate communion with the Spirit in the language of one’s own heart.