Opening Your Heart to Love and Greater Compassion
Conversations, practices, classes and programs to inspire understanding and create the Beloved Community together.
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Rev. Carolyn Wilkins
Minister and Spiritual Director
Inspirational Ministries
Inspiring the
Beloved Community
Our Vision
As a spiritual community, we choose to be the love, kindness, peace and joy we seek in the world.
Sunday Inspiration Services
June Theme: Conscious Living
Speaker: Rev. Carolyn Wilkins
June 26 Happiness A Choice
June 19 Our Evolving Awareness
June 12 Collctive Consciousness
June 5 Feel to Heal
May 29 Deep Awakening

Join us for
Sunday Inspiration
with Rev. Carolyn
Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am MDT
June Theme: Conscious Living

Meet Rev. Carolyn
Rev. Carolyn is the Founder and Spirtual Director of Inspirational Ministries. She is a dynamic speaker, spiritual leader and learned teacher. Her life honors principles of love, peace, creativity and abundance, and her daily practices include prayer and meditation.
Rev. Carolyn Wilkins is an Ordained Minister and licensed practitioner. She is a global speaker and educator for peace, justice and inclusivity. As Director of the GlobalWorks Ministry for Agape International Spiritual Center, Rev. Carolyn managed philanthropic and humanitarian programs and facilitates interfaith-intercultural dialogues. She co-managed a global faith-based campaign to promote the Oprah Winfrey ‘Belief’ series. She was a marketing executive with Xerox Corporation, has a BBA. MBA in management and doctoral studies in Transformational Leadership.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
Only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate:
Only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.